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Surrender to paper Surrender to life.
A practice that might just change your life

[Dutch or English]


I've always felt a deep sense I needed to write. However, this knowing remained deeply tucked away within me, leaving me often trapped in my own mind, searching for the 'right well' to draw from. 


Then, one day, my life fell into shambles. I stumbled upon a practice called automatic writing, feeling an undeniable urge to follow it. As I began the first page, a loud bang interrupted me—a dove had hit my window, perhaps a bit too eagerly trying to say hello. It flew away, yet I saw it as a sign and felt compelled to continue writing.


This practice is about connecting to something wiser, a force I sense both inside and outside of myself. For the first time in ages, I felt less alone, held, and in tune with my intuition.

Every morning, I'd write three pages without pause. Whenever doubts and overthinking crept in, a message would emerge on the page, much like this one:


[“Write stupid things. Just write, Write in English. Write in Dutch. Write in any language. It’s all about moving the pen. As long as it keeps moving you are a writer. Don’t worry, don’t think, just empty yourself. Keep on writing. Even when you think it's shitty, don't attach to it. It doesn't have to be witty, it just has to be words. It doesn't have to look pretty. It doesn't have to be wise. It's not about you. Don’t make it about you."]


And one day poems and stories just started flowing out of my pen. And suddenly I was sharing my poetry, spoken words and book with the world. But this practice is not just for writers, it's for everyone.


I guided many people through starting this process and once people persist there always comes a point where they can not imagine a life without their pen and paper as their loyal compagnon.





  • A short video or audio (your choice) that teaches you all the basics.

  • 2 x 45-minute Zoom meeting with me:
    One at the start to get you set up and which I use to find out how I can best support you and which tools are helpful for you.
    One at the end to reflect together and see how you can best keep it going.

  • Between sessions we stay connected for feedback, questions, and encouragement via WhatsApp.

  • Individual practices and tools that serve your specific need. Like meditations and affirmations.

  • Ways to ensure you use your insights.


What will you gain?


  • A simple way to connect with a deep knowing that's always with you.

  • A practice hat once you commit you will never want to leave.




375 euros ex VAT




Send me an e-mail:


or Whatsapp: +31615888281


Manon is an extraordinary Person. In a few calls  she helped me to get very clear  and I got super inspired! She’s a very generous and sincere person.  There’s no way you can bullshit her (which is a good thing, trust me). Her intuition is spot on and she often finds the right words to really hit the nail on the head whatever your situation. Her sense for what a room or person needs and her ability to provide whatever it is, is a one of a kind talent. 

Jenny Felicitas Barz  (Germany) 

Manon was able to create movement there where I experienced ‘stuckness’ and ‘messiness’. She has a power to sense and explore what’s needed at any given moment which empowers me and creates bigger opportunities. I enjoy her pragmatism and powerful questions together with useful tips and advices. She supports on a more strategic level to define my business together with the pragmatic support with regards to texts and articulate what I actually want to say. I love her empathic combined with a pragmatic approach which really brings me and my business further!

Angelique van Eeuwen-Bos (Leadership coach, Tanzania)

I’m loving the Artist’s Way Group with Manon and Lena! What a gift! They create such a warm, safe, and encouraging space with just the right amount of structure. Doing the Artist’s Way in a group with them has added so much joy, clarity and creative blossoming to my life. I highly recommend it to anyone whose life and creativity could use an invaluable boost of inspiration!

Katie Atcheson

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