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Simply Together

YES. You can within a day...



... Start your website— and yes, completing it within a day is even possible! 

... Launch your podcast with your concept and first episode ready to go.

... Create social media content for an entire month - bring extra clothes if you want to make videos...

... Start your book.

... Taking the first steps towards securing your first clients, with guidance to do the scary things.

... Establishing an email newsletter and sending out your welcome message to your list.

... Take the first powerful steps towards anything you want to start.

... And so much more...


Join me and 6-8 others a full day at a central location in The Netherlands.


Drawing from my extensive experience in leading groups and initiating various endeavors such as starting businesses, podcasts, books, online communities, and even embarking on a writing career after four decades, I've witnessed the transformative power of collective action.


You'll be amazed by the momentum that a gentle push, coupled with group encouragement, can generate.



Join a Simply Start live day and get...


... Movement, Clarity and Fun. â€‹â€‹

... Connection with like minded individuals.

... The gentle pushes you need to actually do the things you avoid.

... To use my experience in simply starting. You won't have to overthink practical matters that often entangle our minds.

I  always have the online tools and processes at hand that best fit your needs. 



Join the waitlist and you will be notified when he next live day will take place! (No obligation with filling in the form.)

Manon is an extraordinary Person. In a few calls  she helped me to get very clear  and I got super inspired! She’s a very generous and sincere person.  There’s no way you can bullshit her (which is a good thing, trust me). Her intuition is spot on and she often finds the right words to really hit the nail on the head whatever your situation. Her sense for what a room or person needs and her ability to provide whatever it is, is a one of a kind talent. 

 Jenny Felicitas Barz  

Manon was able to create movement there where I experienced ‘stuckness’ and ‘messiness’. She has a power to sense and explore what’s needed at any given moment which empowers me and creates bigger opportunities. I enjoy her pragmatism and powerful questions together with useful tips and advices. She supports on a more strategic level to define my business together with the pragmatic support with regards to texts and articulate what I actually want to say. I love her empathic combined with a pragmatic approach which really brings me and my business further!

Angelique van Eeuwen-Bos 

When you are looking to start on your own as a coach, wouldn't it be great to work with a partner who can:
- Inspire and empower you to overcome challenges and roadblocks
- Offer advice based on solid knowledge and rich experience
- Generously share connections and resources
- Gently but firmly hold you accountable for your actions
- Always be available when you need someone to talk to
Manon (and her company Simply Start) is everything mentioned above and so much more! During my 3 months engagement with her, we exceeded the ambitious goals I set for myself. I am grateful for her authentic and empathetic presence and would highly recommend her 1:1 mentoring program and Simply Start to all coaches looking for a partner to join your journey.

Yoshi Hashimoto

Day Overview


Before the days starts we will have a Zoom call to clarify your intention and goal for the day.


9.00-9.30: Welcome
9.30-10.00: Check-in and Sharing our intentions and goals. 

10.00-12.00*: Action! And break-out groups for those that want to use time to brainstorm/ get input.
12.00-13.00: Lunch

13.00-13.30: Energiser + Check-in

13.30-15.00: Action! And 1-on-1 time with me possible 

15.00-15.30: Creative mini-break

15.30-16.30*: Action! And break-out groups for those that want to use time to brainstorm/ get input.

16.30 - 17.00: Wrap-up 

*You can take your own mini breaks and go outside in nature/ do something creative (supplies available) or just get a tea





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