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Broke, heartbroken, and feeling as if my life were sinking in quicksand, I found myself in my childhood bedroom, nestled under my little niece's Frozen duvet. Amidst the turmoil, I realized that sometimes, the bravest act isn't abandoning everything, but rather, daring to sit with oneself—in that quicksand—and trusting that you won't drown. It's about finding solace in discomfort, recognizing that within that vulnerability lies a sense of belonging.

What I unearthed at the depths of despair was the pen. Through writing, I unraveled the truth that beneath our varied exteriors, we are fundamentally alike. If only we have the courage to acknowledge it.

My words - ENGLISH
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Mijn woorden - Nederlands
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My simply start journey.


  • I established an online community for coaches—a membership website hosting a diverse group of well-trained professionals from around the globe. Within 1.5 years, the community expanded to 60 paid members, accompanied by a substantial social media following and newsletter subscribers.

  • In addition to community building, I provided personalized guidance through one-on-one sessions and mastermind groups, fostering the ethos of 'simply starting.'

  • Amidst this journey, my personal life kinda off lay in shambles, leading me to adopt a morning practice known as automatic writing, which reconnected me with a profound inner wisdom I had long forgotten. Over time, this practice ignited a surge of stories and poems from within, resonating with what felt like my soul's true calling.

  • Ultimately, I made the decision to sell the community, yet retained the name 'Simply Start,' recognizing its intrinsic connection to my identity and purpose.

  • For the subsequent two years, I immersed myself in writing, exploring spoken word, securing my first paid opportunities, and even publishing a book. Later, I embarked on the Artist's Way journey, inviting others to join me. The response was overwhelming—24 participants in the first iteration, followed by 40 in the next. And Lena joined me as a partner.

  • It was then that I realized the time had come to breathe new life into Simply Start, integrating the wisdom gleaned from my writing odyssey into its revival. 



And so, here we stand today. We are in this together.




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Poetry is for me the simple art of allowing your heart to speak.

Words and poetry can penetrate to the essence of our feelings and experiences. They can articulate that for which there are no words. Sometimes, they help to heal something.


Sometimes, we have to bear difficult things alone and go through them alone, but we are never truly alone.

We navigate this life together, and my words are there to remind myself and anyone who reads them of that when we momentarily forget.

For the one that was never mine



From The Messy Middle

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