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“Can you teach me how to write poetry?"


People will ask me.


No, I have no idea how to teach you that because I don't even know the rules of poetry. But I can show you how to get to that place where things can flow freely, where you write from the heart, and where all the answers you need reside. All the answers to your questions, small and big, can be found through your pen. And this guide shows you how.

Surrender to paper, Surrender to life (Digital Download)


    "I have a heavy chest and teary eyes. Some expressions jump straight into my heart."

    - Lena, Zürich

    "Like a warm hug from a friend. And very impactful as you read more and more through it." - Steve, London

    "The Messy Middle, caught me off guard in the best way possible. It pulled me in and helped me see myself—and what I am going through—in a powerful way. I couldn’t stop reading it because I wanted to find out what would happen with her heart—but I also wanted to find out what was going to happen to my heart. I think anyone who has had, will have, or is in the middle of heart-ache will love this book. And like Manon says, hearts cannot break."
    - Ken Carlson, US

    "I love it from the start till the end. It was like floating like a river. It reminded me of a river with all little waterfalls and ponds and it just continued from one to the next pond and every time a new universe openend up. Unusual in a good way. It’s so powerful. Love the personal stories and the poems embedded into it. It was like diving swimming, sliding up down a waterfall. I could completely feel it." 
    - Gordana, Germany

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