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    "I have a heavy chest and teary eyes. Some expressions jump straight into my heart."

    - Lena, Zürich

    "Like a warm hug from a friend. And very impactful as you read more and more through it." - Steve, London

    "The Messy Middle, caught me off guard in the best way possible. It pulled me in and helped me see myself—and what I am going through—in a powerful way. I couldn’t stop reading it because I wanted to find out what would happen with her heart—but I also wanted to find out what was going to happen to my heart. I think anyone who has had, will have, or is in the middle of heart-ache will love this book. And like Manon says, hearts cannot break."
    - Ken Carlson, US

    "I love it from the start till the end. It was like floating like a river. It reminded me of a river with all little waterfalls and ponds and it just continued from one to the next pond and every time a new universe openend up. Unusual in a good way. It’s so powerful. Love the personal stories and the poems embedded into it. It was like diving swimming, sliding up down a waterfall. I could completely feel it." 
    - Gordana, Germany

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